Archipiélagos narrativos de una epifanía centenaria. La reforma universitaria desde las voces de los académicos

espanolLa reforma universitaria de 1918 se convirtio en el transcurrir de los anos en una verdadera epifania centenaria. Su caracter epifanico se funda en el quiebre politico, institucional y pedagogico que significo el movimiento reformista para el sistema universitario en su conjunto, y su conmemoracion permanente en la trayectoria de vida de quienes transitan las universidades y resignifican dia a dia el legado historico de aquel proceso que trascendio las fronteras latinoamericanas. La reforma se vuelve epifania centenaria en el sentido de hito y huella que, a cien anos de su genesis, nos invita a reflexionar y resignificar sus principios a la luz de los nuevos desafios de la sociedad contemporanea. En este articulo abordaremos dicha reforma universitaria en perspectiva actual a partir de relatos y narrativas de academicos argentinos de extensa trayectoria en el nivel superior. Habitaremos dichos archipielagos narrativos valiendonos del enfoque de investigacion (auto)biografico-narrativo, ya que, al narrar, los sujetos crean y recrean sus experiencias permitiendo cristalizar los sentidos que ellos mismos le otorgan a sus procesos vitales en relacion a la experiencia universitaria y al legado de la reforma centenaria. Reforma que en palabras de un entrevistado se volvio, “corazon del sistema universitario” para la region. EnglishThe university reform of 1918 became the passing of the years in a true centennial epiphany. Its epiphanic character is based on the political, institutional and pedagogical break that the reformist movement meant for the university system as a whole, and its permanent commemoration in the path of life of those who travel the universities and resignify day by day the historical legacy of that process that transcended the Latin American borders. The reform becomes centennial epiphany in the sense of milestone and footprint that, a hundred years of its genesis, invites us to reflect and resignify its principles in light of the new challenges of contemporary society. In this article, we will approach this university reform in a current perspective based on the narratives and narratives of Argentinean academics with a long career in higher education. We will inhabit these narrative archipelagos using the focus of (auto) biographical-narrative research, since, when narrating, the subjects create and recreate their experiences allowing crystallize the senses that they give to their vital processes in relation to the university experience and the legacy of the centennial reform. Reform that in the words of one interviewee became, “heart of the university system” for the region.
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