The English and brexit: A comic book calumny

The author-a weekly columnist with the 'Irish Times'-of this extraordinarily awful book about the English and their role in Brexit tells us that as a child he devoured the British comics 'Beano' and 'Dandy'. In his current enthusiasm to denounce the English generally, Fintan O'Toole seems unaware that these publications were produced in Dundee, which, he might have heard, is in Scotland. Nonetheless, these comics provide him with Lord Snooty and the Bash Street Kids as a template for modern England, with arrogant toffs lording it over incoherent, bigoted plebs. This view is clearly enhanced by his immersion in the comics' modern adult equivalent, the 'Guardian', written by North London toffs who despise their own country. Thus, as Quislingtons, they enjoy a postcode exemption from the witless class-generalisations upon which this book depends.
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