Organizational culture that supports of the sharing vision and open-mindedness the role of emotional and normative commitment of employees to the organization Açık görüşlülük ve vizyon paylaşımını destekleyen örgüt kültürünün çalışanların örgüte olan duygusal ve normatif bağlılıklarındaki rolü

In this study, it is aimed to state the relation between these terms by acting in accordance with the assumption that being open minded and sharing vision are necessary in the firms to provide the emotional commitment, which is one of the elements of the organizational commitment and means the employee’s acceptance of the aims and values of the organization and the demand of existance in the organization, and the normative commitment, which emerges depending on the outcome of employee’s evaluation of the involvement in the organization in terms of ethic. For that purpose, a study has been carried out on the 286 employees work in the firms that are in service in the Erzurum Organized Industrial Zone. The results obtained show that being open minded and the sharing of vision make a positive impact on the employees’ emotional and normative commitment. Ozet Bu calismada, orgutsel bagliligin unsurlarindan olan ve calisanin orgutun amac ve degerlerini kabul etmesini ve orgutte kalma istegini ifade eden duygusal baglilik ile calisanin orgute baglanmayi ahlaki acidan degerlendirmesinin sonucuna gore ortaya cikan normatif bagliligin saglanabilmesi icin orgutlerde acik gorusluluk ve vizyon paylasiminin gerekli oldugu varsayimi uzerinden hareket edilerek bu kavramlar arasindaki iliskinin aciklanmasi hedeflenmistir. Bu amacla Erzurum Organize Sanayi Bolgesinde faaliyet gosteren isletmelerde 286 isgoren uzerinde bir calisma yapilmistir. Elde edilen bulgular, acik gorusluluk ve vizyon paylasiminin isgorenlerin duygusal ve normatif bagliligi uzerine olumlu bir etki yaptigini gosterir niteliktedir.
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