Seasonal Variation of Drinking Water Microbial Quality, At East Nile Area, Khartoum Sudan.

: The study aimed to assess drinking water quality and to determine seasonal variation in water source in term of microbial pollution, at sources at East Nile Area. This descriptive cross-sectional and experimental study was carried out from 2013 to 2016 at East Nile Area. The total drinking water sources are 274 wells beside 7 hafeers. The sample size was scientifically determined and found to be 165 sources. They were targeted by questionnaire and observation sheet. Water sample size was determined by the total population, according to WHO standards (97 samples). The questionnaire, observation sheet, was used to collect primary data, and laboratories were used for results interpretation. Data were processed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20, and office excel 2010. The study pointed out that 18.75%, 25.75 and 17.53 % of sources with positive E.Coli in summer, rainy season and winter respectively, while the Coliform results were 36.46%, 51.55 and 30.93% of sources with positive Coliform in summer, rainy season and winter respectively. The Study found that most drinking water sources were not protected and 21.67% of water sources at low risk, 13.33% at moderate risk 51, 57% at high risk and 13.43% at very high risk. The study concluded that 18.75% were positive E.Coli in summer, and 25.77% were positive E.Coli in rainy season and 17.53% is positive E.Coli result in winter while the Coliform as follows. 36.46% were positive Coliform in summer, 51.55% were positive Coliform in rainy season and 30.93% were positive Coliform in winter. So it’s very clear that there is a different between seasons in term of microbial quality especially in rainy season. The study recommended the source with positive Coliform and E.Coli results should be treated and source protection should be improved.
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