Treballs de recerca sobre experiments en el seu context històric

catalaDes de comencament d’aquest segle ha augmentat l’interes per posar l’estudi de les practiques cientifiques historiques en el context de la cultura material de la ciencia. Una consequencia d’aquesta aproximacio a la historia de la ciencia es haver estimulat la reproduccio d’experiments i instruments del passat. Per altra part, aquest enfocament tambe ha tingut el seu paper a l’hora de centrar l’us de la historia de la ciencia en l’ensenyament de les ciencies. El lloc central que ha d’ocupar l’experimentacio en l’aprenentatge de les ciencies ha afavorit l’aparicio de projectes basats en la replicacio d’instruments i experiments historics per a l’ensenyament de les ciencies. Aquest article preten presentar aquest enfocament tot explorant els seus avantatges i inconvenients en l’espai d’ensenyament-aprenentatge que faciliten els treballs de recerca de batxillerat a Catalunya. En aquest sentit, es presenta, a tall d’exemple, un treball de recerca sobre la replicacio de la pila de Volta.paraules clau: Cultura material de la ciencia, replicacio historica d’instruments, historia experimental de la ciencia, treball de recerca de batxillerat. EnglishSince the beginning of this century there has been an increasing interest in putting the study of historical scientific practises in the context of the material culture of science. A consequence of this approach to the history of science has been the encouragement of replicating past instruments and experiments. On the other hand, this approach has also played its role in focusing the use of history of science in science teaching. The central place of experimentation in science learning has encouraged the launching of remarkable projects on the replication of historical instruments and experiments for science teaching. This article aims to present this view while exploring its advantages and disadvantages in the teaching-learning space provided by research works in high school in Catalonia. In this sense, a research work on the replication of the Volta’s pile is presented by way of example.keywords: Material culture of science, historical replication of instruments, experimental history of science, research work in high education.
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