Agricultural potential of the beach ridge soils of the Niger Delta, Nigeria.

This study aimed to characterize, classify and evaluate the agricultural potentials of soils formed from the beach ridge sands parent material in the Niger Delta area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Three toposequences were used as study sites. Along with each toposequence, three profile pits were studied – one at the crest, middle slope and valley bottom. Results of laboratory analysis and fertility capability classification (FCC) showed that the soils were predominantly sandy in texture, strongly acidic (pH 3.3 – 4.3) and low in the following fertility parameters – organic matter content (1.00-1.28%), total nitrogen (N) (0.043 – 0.057%), effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) (2.38-6.02 cmol c kg -1 ), base saturation (56-71%), exchangeable K (0.038-0.090 cmol c kg -1 ) and available phosphorus (P) (4.60-13.12 mgkg -1 ). Based on Soil Taxonomy, soils in the area belonged to two soil orders – Entisols (44.4%) and Inceptisols (55.6%). Also, results of land suitability evaluation (LSE) revealed the land to be marginally suitable (S3) for oil palm, rubber and upland rice cultivation, moderately suitable (S2) for cocoa and cashew and highly suitable (S1) for coconut cultivation. Major crop production constraints were soil physical characteristics (texture/structure) and fertility. To raise land productivity, management techniques should include application of organic fertilizers to enhance nutrient holding capacity of the soils and supply deficient basic cations. Regular soil testing for proper fertilizer application to ensure a balance nutrient application is also recommended.
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