Mapping coffee crops in southeastern Brazil using spectral mixture analysis and data mining classification

The task of mapping coffee crops using multispectral data sets is not yet a trivial routine. This is because coffee fields are extremely heterogeneous in terms of spectral reflectance. This study therefore aims to contribute to the mapping of coffee crops using multispectral imagery with 23.5 m spatial resolution taken by the Linear Imaging Self Scanner LISS III instrument on board the Indian Remote Sensing IRS satellite system. The section of land covered by this study is a traditional coffee-producing province located in the south of the State of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Whereas the pixel mixture effect was managed using spectral mixture analysis SMA, the classification was carried out using data mining DM techniques. The decision tree DT outcomes were evaluated using a simple and qualitative method based on the elements of photointerpretation. In total, eight land-use and land-cover LULC types were mapped, including three classes of coffee-growing land expressing different phenological conditions and management. These were named ‘Production Coffee’, ‘Mixed Coffee’, and ‘Old/Pruned Coffee’. The results showed that the methodology was effective for mapping LULC types, as the workflow adopted simplified image interpretation and offered improvements in the classification performance. Despite the coffee-cultivation classes having a large spectral variability, which increases the chances of classification errors, not many confusions were observed involving the three coffee classes mapped with other categories of use. This therefore shows that the method was efficient in isolating the coffee classes with an accuracy greater than 70% from other categories of use. Comparing the results obtained in this work with a conventional maximum-likelihood ML classification, the results revealed that when using the methodology described, the confusions between classes were less dispersed and an improvement of approximately 10% was observed in the mapping of the Production Coffee class.
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