Renal tract stone : metabolic basis and clinical practice

The history of urinary lithiasis and its treatment, Ian L.Goldman et al the epidemiolgy of urolithiasis, Roy Scott the nature of uinary stones and their analysis, D.J.Sutor scanning electron microscopy of urinary stones, J.A.Medina et al infrared spectroscopy of urinary calculi, Juana Bellanato urinary stone matrix Sheldon R.Roberts and Martin I.Resnick physical chemistry of crystal nucleation, growth and dissolution of stones, G.H.Nancollas epitaxis in renal stones, Neil Mandel and Gretchen Mandel the role of trace metals in renal stone disease, Roy Scott the anatomical aspects of stone disease, C.K.Anderson theoretical chemical models of urinary stones, Birdwell Finlayson et al animal models of stone disease, J.M.Reis-Santos and A.C.Buck the renal handling of calcium, A.C.Buck and C.J.Lote renal handling of oxalate, urate, citrate, phosphate and sulphate, F.Lang idiopathic recurrent calcium urolithiasis - clinical problems and suggested approaches in an ambulatory stone clinic, Paul Otto Schwille and Gerhard Rumenapf hypercalciuria in idiopathic calcium oxalate urolithiasis, A.Colin Buck intestinal calcium absorption and vitamin D metabolism in idiopathic hypercalciuria, Murray J.Favus and Leonard H.Favus hyperoxaluria in calcium oxalate lithiasis, O.Zechner role of inhibitors and promoters of crystal nucleation, growth and aggregation in the formation of calcium stones, Herbert Fleisch the investigation and management of idiopathic urolithiasis, Rosemary L.Ryall and Villis R.Marshall uric acid, purine and pyrimidine metabolism, Richard W.E.Watts uric acid nephrolithiasis, Oded Sperling infection calculi, Lawrence Goldstone and Donald P.Griffith hyperoxaluric states, R.W.E.Watts primary hyperparathyroidism, G.Alan Rose. (Part Contents)
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