PRO and pro : With Reference to Idioms

Control PRO is ungoverned by AGR (i.e., tense) and cannot be changed into an overt element since it only appears as a subject of an infinitive clause (i.e., non-finite clause). The null argument coindexed with the subject in the upper clause can be substituted for the anaphor or pronoun coindexed with it if the null argument is an instance of pro. I argue that the null argument controlled by the ECMed idiom-connoted element in Korean should be PRO. In this vein, control PRO may also appear in Korean. PRO controlled by the ECMed idiom-connoted subject, which occupies the outer spec of vP, may form an idiom with the relevant predicate. It cannot alternate with an overt pronoun and appear in the finite clause. When CP includes PRO controlled by the ECMed idiom-connoted argument, it cannot undergo anaphorization such as kulehkhey ‘so’ since the idiomatic meaning is gone. Thus, the syntactic unit (i.e., VP or CP) involving the null argument controlled by or coindexed with its idiomatic part cannot undergo anaphorization.
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