Technical and economic evaluation of the floating container storage and transhipment terminal (FCSTT)

Abstract This paper presents a preliminary technical and economic evaluation for a new concept, the Floating Container Storage & Transhipment Terminal, or ‘FCSTT’. The main purpose of the FCSTT is considered to handle transhipment traffic, although its use could extend to supporting existing land-based terminals within ports. The paper considers a range of floating port structures already in operation, and other concepts yet to be developed. To an extent the FCSTT, which is based on conversion of a large container vessel, is an extension of these and other developments in different shipping sectors. The FCSTT can handle container cargo in offshore locations and/or wherever there is a need to provide ‘terminal’ infrastructure rapidly and at low cost. Our approach outlines design options for a FCSTT including analysis of crane preferences. The paper includes analysis of required storage capacity, and container handling productivity levels sufficient to ensure a practical terminal that is comparable with any landside facility, albeit with a focus on transhipment traffic. Thereafter the capital and operating costs for the FCSTT are estimated, with forecast cash flows based on assumed traffic volumes and competitive handling rates. Conclusions suggest the FCSTT offers potential for significant capital and operating cost savings compared to higher cost landside terminal infrastructure. Other key factors and advantages, including areas for further research, are highlighted.
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