China's Contemporary Trends of Trade in Educational Services and It's Countermeasures under the Opening Environment/TENDANCES DU SECTEUR DE SERVICE EDUCATIF DE LA CHINE ET SES CONTRE-MESURES DANS UN ENVIRONNEMENT OUVERT

Abstract: While China is opening its educational market to the outside world, the main international trends of trade in educational services are: the developed countries are still the chief exporters while the developing countries are increasing their involvement; aside from the overseas consumption there is also remarkable development in other forms of educational service trade. This text analyzes the main trends of China's educational service trade under the opening environment, which include: there is a progressively increasing population of overseas students; the number of overseas students whose schooling is paid by themselves is increasing, so is the returning rate; China becomes more and more attractive to foreign students by its unique advantages; Educational mid-organizations have been developing rapidly and other forms of educational service trade have also been experiencing a considerable development. To deal with these trends, we may take several measures as follows under the opening environment: to carry out researches into the law of development of trade in educational services; to standardize the domestic intermediary market; to prefect relevant laws and regulations. Key words: trade in educational services/educational service trade, trend, countermeasure Resume: Lors de l'ouverture du marche educatif de la Chine vers l'exterieur, les tendances principales du secteur de service educatif sont : les pays developpes restent encore les exportateurs essentiels alors que les pays en developpement augmentent leur part. En plus de la consommation etrangere il y a encore un developpement remarquable sous d'autres formes du service eduatif. Cet article analyse les principales tendances du secteur de service educatif de la Chine dans un environnement ouvert, qui englobent : la population des etudiants etrangers s'agrandit progressivement ; le nombre des etudiants etrangers dont la scolarite est a leur charge augmente, d'ou le taux de retour ; la Chine devient de plus en plus attractive pour les etudants etrangers grâce a ses avantages uniques ; les intermediaires educatifs se developpent rapidement et d'autres formes du service educatif connaissent aussi un developpement considerable. Face a ces tendances, on peut prendre dans un environnement ouvert des mesures comme suite : effectuer des recherches sur la loi de developpement sectoriel du service educatif, standardiser le marche intermediaire domestique, perfectionner les lois et regulations concernees. Mots-Cles: secteur du service educatif, tendance, contre-mesure The GATS (the General Agreement on Trade in Services)formulated in the series of multilateral trade negotiations of Uruguay Round in the end of 1994 has officially brought service trade into the scope of jurisdiction of the WTO. According to the stipulations under GATS, except for the teaching activities that are entirely subsidized by each member country's government, like the military colleges and universities, any teaching activity that collects tuitions and carries commercial nature belongs to educational services, especially the higher education, adult education, vocational and technical training. And any member country of WTO can participate in the competition for educational services. As a member of the WTO, China will open its educational market step by step, which is bound to bring certain opportunities and challenges to the nation's education. At present, every country the world over attaches great importance to the development of trade in educational services, and "boundless education" is increasingly prevailing across the globe. In order to adapt our country's education to this macro-environment, we must get a more accurate understanding of the global and domestic trends in educational service trade. 1. GLOBAL TRENDS OF TRADE IN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Since the 1990s, international trade in the service sector, particularly the trade in educational services, has gained pace in its development, and the international and inter-regional trade in educational services mainly out of economic purposes has become an important component of international trade. …
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