The situation of the Argentine University Libraries of Science and Technology : Its possibilities of access to information : Improving access to electronic scientific and medical information

In Argentina, research in the basic sciences and technology is carried out for the most part within national universities. The ever increasing demand for information is catered for by libraries in these institutions which is why they should be examined closely. We present an up-to-date survey on the situation of science and technology libraries in Argentine Universities with respect to their capabilities for accessing electronic information. The state of libraries across the country is uneven, ranging from libraries with adequate information technology, and consequent access to services like electronic full text or electronic transmission of documents, to those which have only just started input into their first bibliographic databases. Nevertheless the demands of users in the area of science and technology have resulted in these information units developing faster than the other libraries in Latin America. The survey focuses on the developments which are leading to substantial improvement in access to information access, and also on the foundations of this development phase. The latter include: the QIUF programme (Quality Improvement of Universities Fund); the University Interconnection Network Project (UIN); which connects state universities with each other and with the rest of the world; and finally the science and technology Information workgroup working within MERCOSUR, whose aim is the regional integration in the information area as well as the optimal use of available resources. One of the main tasks of the library is to include itself and stand out in the global village. Brazilian researcher and author in globalization phenomena, Octavio Ianni, states: Electronic media will prevail as a powerful means to communicate, inform, and understand what is happening throughout the world. Various authors suggest a strong dependence of real economic development on timely access to information. Since science and technology are essential to economic development, science and technology libraries must have a proactive role in this process
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