Pedagogic training disciplines of the Program for Teaching improvement in the post-graduation of the USP campus of Ribeirão Preto: challenges and possibilities

In this work are presented the analysis related to the curriculum of 31 pedagogical training disciplines of the Program of Teaching Improvement (PAE) in the Graduate of the USP Campus of Ribeirao Preto. It is assumed that discussion about the teaching training for higher education have increased in relation to training for research, pedagogic fields and multidisciplinary and multicultural interfaces. Four categories were elaborated for the program and bibliographic references studies by Bardin analysis of content: Higher education theorical foundations, public policies, teaching, curriculum and didactic-pedagogic knowledges. These categories comprehend the pedagogic knowledge aspects necessary for the higher education teaching training and they are based on Gatti's proposal. In relation to the program, had been verified the predominance of the aspects related to the curriculum and the didactic-curricular knowledges. For the bibliography, the most frequently books were Teaching in Higher Education (Pimenta and Anastasiou); Teaching and learning processes in the university: assumptions for the strategies of class work (Anastasiou and Alves) and University Teaching, its scene and its protagonists (Zabalza). The PAE disciplines, in their majority, have highlighted the didactic and methodological preparation for higher education teaching in an instrumental perspective, putting in second plan the theoretical, epistemological, political and pedagogical conjectures of the teaching practice. However, they represent one of the few formative spaces for the valorization of pedagogical training and collective reflection on teaching practice in a universe where the training of researchers is prioritized.
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