Non Kominike Sağ Rudimenter Uterin Hornlu Sol Unikornuat Uterus Sepsis-Induced Acute Renal Failure After Prostate Biopsy Procedure: A Case Report

Erken embriyonik donemde mullerian kanalin anormal fuz- yonu veya septum absorbsiyonunun yetersizligi, kadin geni- tal sisteminin anatomik malformasyonu ile sonuclanmakta- dir. Bu malformasyonlar infertilite, habituel abortus, malpre- zentasyon ve prematur eylem gibi obstetrik sorunlarla ken- dini gostermektedir. 26 yasinda nulligravid, infertil hasta kadin hastaliklari ve dogum klinigimize basvurdu. Histerosal- pingografi raporunda sol unikornuat uterus suphesi olan hastanin yapilan laparaskopi ve histereskopi islemi esnasin- da non-kominkan sag rudimenter hornlu sol unikornuat uterusu oldugu tespit edildi. Patoloji raporu rudimenter hornun kavite icermedigini gosteridi. (Kavitesiz rudimenter horn) Operasyon esnasinda sag rudimenter horn ve izole sag distal tup proflaktik olarak eksize edildi. Mullerian sistemin konjenital anomalileri fertilite problemleri ile birliktedir. Bunlarin tanisinda oncelikle histerosalpingografi (HSG), laparoskopi, histereskopi ve ultrasonografi (USG) kullanil- maktadir. Potansiyel problemler nedeniyle cerrahi bir prose- dur esnasinda rastlandiginda; rudimenter horn, ipsilateral tubanin profilaktik eksizyonu onerilir. Ayrica beraberlik gosterebilen uriner sistem anomalileri de arastirilmalidir. In the early embryonic period, abnormal fusion of the mul- lerian canal or lack of absorption of the septum, results anatomical malformation of the female genital system. These malformations present themselves as obstetric prob- lems such as infertility, habitual abortion, and premature malpresentation. 26 years old, nulligravid, infertile patient had suspected left unicornuate uterus in her hysterosal- pingography report. After laparoscopic and hysteroscopic examination, non-communicant, left uniconuate uterus with right rudimentary horn was founded. The pathology report showed no cavity in the rudimentary horn. (Rudimentary horn without cavity) During the operation, the right rudi- mentary horn and the isolated right distal tube was excised, as a prophylactic manner. Congenital anomalies of Mullerian system are associated with fertility problems. Diagnosis of such anomalies are made firstly by use of hysterosal- pingography (HSG), laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and ultraso- nography (USG). Because of the potential problems, if those anomalies encountered accidentally during a surgical proce- dure; it is recommended to excise the rudimentary horn and the ipsilateral tube prophylactically. In addition, urinary tract anomalies should be investigated which may be accompa- nied.
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