Golpe de 2016 e a educação no Brasil

This  article seeks to discuss the development and some unfolding of the 2016 Coup that, putting an end to the 6th Brazilian Republic, inaugurated in the national scenario a new stage in the advance of the capital forces over work.  Takes as object of analysis the education and in a particular way, the Especial Education in the Inclusive Education perspective. In a first moment,it discusses historical aspects of democracy, especially from the representative liberal democracy pointing its limits and possibilities, which allows discussing the rupture phenomenon in the democratic Estate of right while thinking over the concepts of Coup and Impeachment. It also offers a brief explanation about the business-parliamentary Coup that dismissed Rousseff of presidency.  In a second moment,it seeks to indicate the consequences of the Coup to education and shows the native and foreign bourgeoisie financial interests about the basic and superior education in Brazil. It exposes the alliance of neoliberal and neoconservative sectors in the state apparatus, and accuses the consequences of the respective projects for public education as of two attack fronts: the mercantilization and the moralization.  In a third moment, it delineates a panorama about the special education policy in Brazil starting in the seventies and indicates the advances and limits of the special education national policy from the optics of the Inclusive Education. In the end, it questions the investment cuts on special education and the authoritarian actions that got unfolded with the coup advent which, besides the contingency, threaten the proposition of inclusive education, which represents an unnamable regression.
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