Infiltration and adsorption of dissolved atrazine and atrazine metabolites in buffalograss filter strips

Vegetated filter strips (VFS) potentially reduce the off-site movement of herbicides from adjacent agricultural fields by increasing herbicide mass infiltrated (M inf ) and mass adsorbed (M as ) compared with bare field soil. However, there are conflicting reports in the literature concerning the contribution of M as to the VFS herbicide trapping efficiency (TE). Moreover, no study has evaluated TE among atrazine (6-chloro-N-ethyl-N'-isopropyl-[1,3,5]triazine-2,4-diamine) and atrazine metabolites. This study was conducted to compare TE, M inf , and M as among atrazine, diaminoatrazine (DA, 6-chloro[1,3,5]triazine-2,4-diamine), deisopropylatrazine (DIA, 6-chloro-N-ethyl-[1,3,5]triazine-2,4-diamine), desethylatrazine (DEA, 6-chloro-N-isopropyl-[1,3,5]triazine-2,4-diamine), and hydroxyatrazine (HA, 6-hydroxy-N-ethyl-N'-isopropyl-[1,3,5]triazine-2,4-diamine) in a buffalograss VFS. Runoff was applied as a point source upslope of a 1- x 3-m microwatershed plot at a rate of 750 L h -1 . The point source was fortified at 0.1 μg mL -1 atrazine, DA, DIA, DEA, and HA. After crossing the length of the plot, water samples were collected at 5-min intervals. Water samples were extracted by solid phase extraction and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) photodiode array detection. During the 60-min simulation, TE was significantly greater for atrazine (22.2%) compared with atrazine metabolites (19.0%). Approximately 67 and 33% of the TE was attributed to M inf and M as , respectively. These results demonstrate that herbicide adsorption to the VFS grass, grass thatch, and/or soil surface is an important retention mechanism, especially under saturated conditions. Values for M as were significantly higher for atrazine compared with atrazine's metabolites. The M as data indicate that atrazine was preferentially retained by the VFS grass, grass thatch, and/or soil surface compared with atrazine's metabolites.
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