MAGICAL: An Open-Source Fully Automated Analog IC Layout System from Netlist to GDSII

Compared with the tremendous advancements of digital IC design automation over the last few decades, analog IC layout is still heavily manual, which is very tedious and error-prone. This is partially due to the sensitive layout dependent effects, but most important of all, the lack of readily available tools to designers. In this work, we present MAGICAL, an open-sourced, fully-automated analog IC layout system. MAGICAL is capable of handling system-level designs and generates GDSII format layout from unannotated netlists. We also introduce the various extensions that build on top of the original MAGICAL framework, successfully incorporating machine learning techniques for efficient, performance-driven analog layout synthesis. We hope that our works could contribute to the open-source EDA community and promote research in developing novel algorithms and methods for analog design automation.
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