Optimization of Pediatric Bowel Management Using an Antegrade Enema Troubleshooting Algorithm.

Abstract Background A successful flush is the ability to flush through the appendicostomy or cecostomy channel, empty the flush through the colon, and achieve fecal cleanliness. We evaluated our experience with patients who were having flush difficulties based on a designed algorithm. Methods Eight patients with flush difficulties were initially evaluated. Based on the need for additional surgery versus changes in bowel management therapy (BMT), we developed an algorithm to guide future management. The algorithm divided flush issues into before, during, and after flushing. Children aged Results After algorithm creation, 29 patients were evaluated for flush issues. The median age was 8.4 y (interquartile range: 6, 14); 66% (n = 19) were men. Underlying diagnoses included anorectal malformations (n = 17), functional constipation (n = 7), Hirschsprung's disease (n = 2), spina bifida (n = 2), and prune belly (n = 1). A total of 35 flush issues/complaints were noted: 29% before the flush, 9% during the flush, and 63% after the flush. Eighty percent of issues before the flush required surgical intervention, wherease 92% of issues during or after the flush were managed with changes in BMT. Conclusions Most flush issues respond to changes in BMT. This algorithm can help delineate which types of flush issues would benefit from surgical intervention and what problems might be present if patients are not responding to changes in their flush regimen.
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