A comparison of contents of group A and B trichothecenes and microbial counts in different cereal species

Concentrations of trichothecenes and the amounts of microbial biomass were compared in grain of bread wheat, durum wheat, triticale, rye, oat and barley. Grain samples came from lines regionalised in Poland grown under identical climatic and agricultural conditions in 2007. Among the six analysed cereals, the highest mean concentration of toxic metabolites of 151.89 µg/kg was found for grain of Triticum durum, whereas the lowest was for barley grain (25.56 µg/kg). The highest contamination with microscopic fungi was recorded in case of barley and rice grain (mean concentrations of ergosterol were 12.53 mg/kg and 11.24 mg/kg, respectively). In case of the analysed cereals, the total microbial biomass expressed in the amount of ATP turned out to be the highest (4.7 × 105 relative light units [RLU]) for rye and oat (3.2 × 105 RLU). The results of the applied classical discrimination analysis indicate a significant diversification of species in terms of all the 11 analysed metabolites.
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