L’invecchiamento fra natura e cultura: creatività e intergenerazionalità

Aging is a natural process, induced by the genetic program, but the way of aging is influenced by many factors, especially the environment, the experiences and the education and cultural level. Neurosciences have shown that the brain develops and continues to express its full potential, especially when it is properly engaged and stimulated. Brain plasticity neuron skills to adapt to the environment keeps into old age. Creativity is present and active in life-span. In old age, people, including those with somatic and mental limitations, are able to express their creative abilities in various fields. Creativity allows you to communicate thoughts and feelings, to live more peacefully and to realize themselves. The intergenerational relationships with the children and with the grandchildren help the elderly to remain active and creative. The grandparents’ memories expressed, but also unexpressed become the historical roots of grandchildren by transgenerationality and they often and greatly contribute to form the base affective and cognitive, more or less implicitly of growth and future knowledge of grandchildren. The interactions, including the intergenerational relationships, are the essential conditions for the development and maintenance of the brain and mental skills.
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