TXRF and ICP-OES analysis of liquid-phase laser-ablated (LP-LA) nanoparticles of cryolite-alumina solutions

A new procedure with minimum sample preparation has been developed for a fast and serial analysis of cryolite with varying concentrations of dissolved alumina by liquid-phase laser ablation followed by Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence and induced coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. The analysis supplies the sodium/aluminium ratio of bath samples taken from industrial Hall-Herault reduction cells, as well as trace element relative concentrations. Two different types of molten samples taken directly from the aluminium production plant were placed under distilled de-ionized water in a quartz cell and subjected to pulsed laser ablation using the beam from a third harmonic Nd:YAG laser. Scanning electron microscopy examination shows the nanoparticles nature of the ablated material. The water-suspension is deposited on quartz reflectors for Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence analysis or directly aspirated to the induced coupled plasma yielding the aluminium and sodium signals. Instrument quantification of the elements is performed by the use of aqueous standards. Validation tests were done with cryolite sample digestion and standard methods of sample quantification. The procedure can provide the aluminium/sodium ratio with adequate precision for aluminium production plant cell diagnostics and reveals the trace elements that could be considered as contamination.
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