End-stage heart failure patients should be treated instantly despite a pandemic with all-time available technology to ensure best outcomes. (Cardiovascular care - moving forward after COVID-19.)

Since the earliest cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection were reported, our care delivery systems have been reorganized and challenged in unprecedent ways, specifically the cardiovascular community COVID-19 poses a challenge for heart transplantation, affecting donor selection, immunosuppression, and posttransplant management Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) therapy is currently a viable option for patients with end-stage heart failure as a bridge to heart transplantation or destination therapy Here, we present a therapeutic strategy for the management of acute HF with Intermacs profiles from 1 to 4, with or without Covid-19 infection, exemplified by serie of patients presenting with severe HF and successfully treated by LVAD therapy during the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and the French national lockdown This experience has shown that we still have the capacity to provide the right therapy for the right disease to the right patient LVAD implantation seems to be the treatment of choice for advanced HF due to the lack of healthy donor hearts for cardiac transplantation Covid or non-Covid context, we have to take care of our patients with end-stage HF the best we can
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