Correlation analyses between logistics, business and transport data to characterize logistics hubs

Logistics hubs are important elements of freight transport generation. They play a decisive role in transport processes. Still, there is little empirical knowledge about those hubs. The authors present their concept to define logistics hubs and their transport volume, which is the basis for their empirical work. The empirical data are used to identify associations between logistics, business and transport characteristics of logistics hubs and networks with high transport volume. The analyses will also be relevant for a better consideration of logistics hubs in freight transport demand modelling. The starting point is the intention to develop a typology of logistics hubs in terms of their structure and functionalities, which are expected to correlate with the volume of freight going into the hub and starting from there. The typology is created by analysing concrete network structures regarding goods flows, locations and transport volume using existing secondary data sources and data from a previous survey conducted by the authors themselves. The statistical analysis of the data allows for deriving a data-based typology. This will make it possible to integrate logistics hubs as operating systems into freight transport modelling. Within the developed typology the specific transport network structures of the hubs and their transport volume are identified. The locations according to transportation infrastructure and transshipment volume are clearly defined and linked with the transport volume. These types of logistics hubs are assigned to typological specific values with respect to transport volume as well as logistics attributes. This study provides fundamental data of logistics hubs in Germany. This approach serves as a basis for spatially specified transport forecasts as well as transportation planning processes.
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