Effect of irrigation intervals on the yield of three released sugarcane varieties in Nigeria

A field experiment was conducted in 2008-2010 to evaluate irrigation intervals that would improve the production of sugarcane. Effective rainfall was also considered in meeting the sugarcane water requirements since sugarcane is a long duration crop. The irrigation intervals used were 7, 14 and 21 days and the equivalent soil moisture potentials were 33, 45 and 60 kPa respectively. The results showed that NCS 002, NCS 003 and Co 957 sugarcane varieties performed very well at 7 days irrigation interval. The highest stalk yield was obtained from NCS 002 with a value of 65 t ha -1 . Irrigation at 14 and 21 days intervals led to decline in yield when compared with 7 days irrigation interval. Roots were observed to be deeper at 21 days irrigation interval, signifying deep exploitation of soil moisture because of water stress experienced by the crop. Crop water use was affected by varying irrigation intervals and the highest water use was obtained from the 7 days irrigation interval.
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