Fusion and Enrichment of Traffic Message Channel (TMC) Messages with Floating Car Data (FCD)

This paper describes an approach of DLR to fuse Traffic Message Channel (TMC) messages with urban traffic information obtained from Floating Car Data (FCD). There are two main directions for such a fusion: 1. The first direction is that of validating the TMC messages with information obtained from FCD, such as the Level of Service (LOS). 2. The second direction is that of a feature and decision fusion: the two-dimensional and time-dependent traffic situation as obtained from FCD can be completed by the more punctual information of the TMC messages that report about events like road blockings, construction sites or jammed road stretches. This information can be used directly within routing services which calculate their routes using FCD information. The described approach for fusion has been deployed during the ongoing project SimpleFleet: FCD is collected from large fleets, and the resulting data streams are continuously delivered to a "Traffic Store". Small and medium enterprises will be able to connect to the Traffic Store via standardized APIs, enabling the use of traffic information within their fleet management solutions.
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