Modifications to ELIM-COMPLIP and MOSLS for Mobilization Strength Planning and Management for Enlisted Personnel.

Abstract : The purpose of this document is to define modifications to parts of the FORECAST system of manpower planning models to enhance their ability to support strength planning and management in a mobilization environment. FORECAST is the short name for 'The Army Strength and Personnel Management Data Forecasting System'--an integrated family of ADP systems which, when fully developed, will support Army strength and personnel management data forecasting requirements in peacetime and under conditions of mobilization planning, mobilization, and return to peace. The subsystems that are contained in FORECAST will support the strength management activities of all components of the Army-active, reserve, and civilian; officer and enlisted. This document discusses two major subsystems of FORECAST--ELIM-COMPLIP, which deals with the enlisted portion of the active Army at the aggregate level, and MOSLS, which deals with active enlisted personnel at the MOS and grade level. In addition, specifications are presented for expansion of FORECAST's Casualty Estimation Subsystem.
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