Methods and procedures for evaluations in preparation of the annual Safeguards Implementation Report (SIR)

The Safeguards Implementation Report is a product of the internal process of planning, implementation, evaluation, feedback within the Secretariat, improvement and reporting to the IAEA Board of Governors. An essential part of the process is the evaluation of IAEA safeguards implementation for a calendar year. The main technical objective of IAEA safeguards is reflected in a set of criteria used for evaluation of the Agency's safeguards activities. The evaluation of the Agency's attainment of its inspection goal for each facility is based on comparison of the inspection activities carried out during a given year with the standardized requirements of evaluation criteria. The paper describes a system designed for the collection of necessary inspection data, nuclear material accountancy data and evaluation of the results for each material balance. The paper describes the use of computer programs to compare activities and criteria. The paper also presents examples of one kind of information contained in the SIR.
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