Rize ili tarım işletmelerinde arazi tasarruf şekli ve tarımsal istihdamı etkileyen faktörler

Tez calismasinin amaci yuzolcumu, tarimsal isletme buyuklugu ve uretim deseni acisindan Turkiye’ninen kisitli tarimsal olanaklara sahip illeri arasinda yer alan Rize'nin goc olgusu nedeniyle tarimsal kapasiteve potansiyelinin nasil etkilendigini arastirmaktir. Ilde tarim disi sektorlerin de altyapi zorluklarinedeniyle gelismemesi ve cogunlukla cay isleme ve pazarlamaya dayali olmasi, il ekonomisinde tarimsektorunun incelenmesini onemli kilan diger bir husustur.Tez calismasinda tarimda ozel kosullar tasiyan ve yaygin goc veren Rize ilinde tariminsurdurulebilirliginde etkili olan tarimsal yapiya iliskin unsurlarin durumu arastirilmis, bolge tariminingelecegi irdelenmis ve sorunlar ortaya konulmustur. Arastirmada ili temsil eden ve gayeli olarak secilenilceler ve koylerinde uygulanan anketler, soz konusu anket verilerine dayali istatistiki analizler ve literaturtaramasi yontemlerinden yararlanilmistir.Calisma sonucunda, incelenen hanehalklarinin cogu acisindan su sonuclara ulasilmistir: Hanehalklarindatarimda calisan sayisinin yetersizligi ve istihdam edilen nufusun ileri yas grubunda bulunmasi nedeniyletarimsal faaliyette yabanci iscilerden yardim alinmaktadir. Bolgeden goc ve tarimsal istihdamdan cekilmeolgusu yasanmakta, arazi kullanimi ve arazi tasarruf seklinde degisim olmakta, ozellikle belli buyuklugunaltindaki araziler tarim disina cikartilmakta veya toprak ve urun bakimi yetersiz kalmaktadir. Yaricikullanimi yayginlasmakta, yarici ve tarim iscilerinin tamamina yakininin il disindan saglandigigorulmektedir. Hanelerde tarimsal gelirin yetersizligi kadar tarim disi istihdam yoluyla daha yuksek veduzenli gelir elde etme, kirsal alandakinden daha yuksek yasam standartlari saglama isteginin gocu tesvikettigi belirlenmistir.AbstractThe aim of the thesis is to search the impacts of the migration phenomenon upon the agricultural capacityand potential of Rize that is among the provinces which have the most limited facilities in terms of theland area, the size of agricultural holdings and the production pattern diversity in Turkey. The stagnationof the non-agricultural sectors due to the infrastructural problems and on tea manufacturing andmarketing depending economy of the province necessitate searching thoroughly the agricultural sector ofthe province.The elements of the agricultural structure which effect the sustainability of agriculture in Rize province,of which agricultural peculiarities are very special and which is subject to a high migration rate, werescrutinized, the probable future of agriculture in the region was discussed and the significant problemswere clearly defined in the study. Beside detailed literature review, particular questionnaires which wereapplied in selected towns and villages that are representing agricultural conditions in Rize province andthe outcomes of the questionnaires were analysed using statistical methods.The main consequences of the analyses of the study are follows: The inadequacy of the number of familymembers employed in agriculture and the high age of the employed family workforce trigger the need ofhiring foreign workforce in agricultural activities. The phenomenon of the migration from the region andflight from agricultural activities lead to a change in land use and land disposition, and especially landsbelow a certain size are excluded from the agricultural usage and also it causes a loss of the maintenanceof soil and crop productivity. Share-cropping is becoming widespread; almost all share-croppers and theworkers out of family workforce are provided outside of the region. Beside the insufficiency ofagricultural revenues, expectations for getting higher and regular revenues and higher life standardsencourage the migration from Rize.
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