Composição químico-bromatológica da silagem de capim-elefante com níveis de casca de café

The experiment aimed to evaluate the effects of processing (whole or ground) and the inclusion level of coffee hulls, (0; 6; 12; 18 and 24%; fresh matter basis) on the chemical-bromatological composition, fermentation characteristic and in vitro DM digestibility (IVDMD) of the elephantgrass silages. The variables were analyzed as a 2 x 5 factorial arrangement (processing and level of inclusion), distributed in a complete randomized experimental design with three replications. Processing and level of inclusion increased DM concentration and did not influence the crude protein concentration of silages. Linear effect of the inclusions level on NDF and ADF was observed, with decrease of NDF and increase of ADF. Processing and level of inclusions influenced the lignin concentration. Quadratic effect of inclusions level was observed for neutral and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen concentration. There was an interaction between processing and level of inclusions on pH. A quadratic effect of the inclusion level on the two processing forms was observed. Linear reduction of the ammoniacal nitrogen was observed with the level of inclusion, with higher values for ground hulls. For IVDMD, a quadratic effect was observed as a function of the inclusion level, with IVDMD of whole hulls being lower compared to the ground hulls. The coffee hull was efficient as an additive to reduce humidity of the silages. Coffee hull addition did not improve silage bromatological characteristics but it did improve fermentative characteristics. Thus, inclusion of the coffe hull could be adapted until the level of 12%, whole or ground.
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