Adaptasi Psikologis Penderita Kanker Payudara: A systematic review

Background: Breast Cancer can be a traumatic and stressful experience for women but there are wide-ranging differences in the ways in which women respond and adapt to breast cancer. Purpose: to examines which sociodemographic, disease-related, and psychosocial factors predict psychological adaptation to breast cancer. Method: The database used to identify suitable articles obtained from Scopus, Pubmed, CINAHL and Science Direct was limited from 2011-2019, English, and fulltext articles. The literature review used the keywords “psychological, adaptation, breast cancer”. In searching articles used “AND”. Results: 31 articles met the inclusion criteria. Consistent sociodemographic and disease-related variables predictors of adaptation were income, fatigue, cancer stage, and physical functioning. Psychosocial factors, particularly optimism and trait-anxiety, as well as perceived social support, coping strategies, and initial levels of psychological functioning were found to be predictive of later depressive and anxiety symptoms, psychological distress and quality of life for women with breast cancer, in predictable ways. Conclusion: The majority of studies showed a significant relationship between psychosocial factors and psychological adaptation. These results pount to specific sociodemographic, disease-related, and psychosocial factors that can help to identify women at the time of diagnosis who are at risk for long-term psychological challenges so they can be reffered for psychological support that targets their specific needs and can improve their quality of life and mood, and decrease indicators of anxiety, depression and psychological distress. Keywords: psychological; adaptation; breast cancer
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