The Precision Limits in a Single-Event Quantum Measurement of Electron Momentum and Position

A modern state-of-the-art “quantum measurement” [The term “quantum measurement” as used here implies that parameters of atomic particles are measured that emerge from a single scattering process of quantum particles.] of momentum and position of a single electron at a given time [“at a given time” means directly after the scattering process. (It should be noticed that the duration of the reaction process is typically extremely short => attoseconds).] and the precision limits for their experimental determination are discussed from an experimentalists point of view. We show—by giving examples of actually performed experiments—that in a single reaction between quantum particles at a given time only the momenta of the emitted particles but not their positions can be measured with sub-atomic resolution. This fundamental disparity between the conjugate variables of momentum and position is due to the fact that during a single-event measurement only the total momentum but not position is conserved as function of time. We highlight, that (other than prevalently perceived) Heisenberg’s “Uncertainty Relation” UR [1] does not limit the achievable resolution of momentum in a single-event measurement. Thus, Heisenberg’s statement that in a single-event measurement only either the position or the momentum (velocity) of a quantum particle can be measured with high precision contradicts a real experiment. The UR states only a correlation between the mean statistical fluctuations of a large number of repeated single-event measurements of two conjugate variables. A detailed discussion of the real measurement process and its precision with respect to momentum and position is presented.
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