The physical and chemical structure of Sagittarius B2 -- V. Non-thermal emission in the envelope of Sgr B2

The giant molecular cloud Sagittarius B2 (hereafter SgrB2) is the most massive region with ongoing high-mass star formation in the Galaxy. In the southern region of the 40-pc large envelope of SgrB2, we encounter the SgrB2(DS) region which hosts more than 60 high-mass protostellar cores distributed in an arc shape around an extended HII region. We use the Very Large Array in its CnB and D configurations, and in the frequency bands C (4--8 GHz) and X (8--12 GHz) to observe the whole SgrB2 complex. Continuum and radio recombination line maps are obtained. We detect radio continuum emission in SgrB2(DS) in a bubble-shaped structure. From 4 to 12 GHz, we derive a spectral index between -1.2 and -0.4, indicating the presence of non-thermal emission. We decompose the contribution from thermal and non-thermal emission, and find that the thermal component is clumpy and more concentrated, while the non-thermal component is more extended and diffuse. The radio recombination lines in the region are found to be not in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) but stimulated by the non-thermal emission. The thermal free-free emission is likely tracing an HII region ionized by an O7 star, while the non-thermal emission can be generated by relativistic electrons created through first-order Fermi acceleration. We have developed a simple model of the SgrB2(DS) region and found that first-order Fermi acceleration can reproduce the observed flux density and spectral index.
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