Human Action As An Ultimate Given: Ludwig Von Mises' Praxeology As Seen From A Business Ethics Angle

Ludwig von Mises (1881 scholar, human action theory; the other was Tadeusz Kotarbi founder of the Austrian originated the Polish prax grammar of action. This paper is intended to charac terize the Mises experience; therefore a number of important facts f rom the life of the Austrian praxeologist, economist a nd economics philosopher is summarized in the first part of the essay. According to Mises praxeological laws apply to the regularity of pheno mena due to the correlations between means and ends which restricts people's freedom of choice and action. Other re source in physical laws, to which humans must adjus t their behavior if they want to live, and physiological laws, i.e. a set of constitutive qual ities characteristic of each individual, defining t hat individual's disposition Human Action: A Treatise on Economics forty chapters. The present essay is concentrated o n praxeology and its relation to special emphasis on the ethical dimension presented in contemporary literature. For praxeology is a part of practical philosophy, or ethics in the broa d sense, it is therefore proper to discuss the issu e in the ethical context, especially th 'its hitherto best- developed branch Mises - being an essential element in the structure of huma n civilization; is 'the foundat which modern industrialism and all the moral, intel lectual, technological, and therapeutical achievements of the last centuries have been built' .
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