Dark energy versus Ωm = 1 in the growth of matter perturbations

We explore the possibility of discriminating dark energy models from the study of the growth of matter perturbations. For the sake of simplicity, instead of dealing with a great number of models, we have chosen a simple model of dark energy (px = ω0ρ γ, with ω0 0; px ,a ndρx being pressure and energy density), which is able to reproduce a great number of different behaviours. A combination of WMAP data with other results have been used to estimate model parameters. The study has been made for collapsing shells in spherical clusters virialized at redshifts z = 1, 0. 1a nd 0.025 with line-of-sight velocity dispersion σlos = 750 and 1000 km s −1 . According to shell velocities, our dark energy models are clearly differentiated from the Ωm0 = 1 model (the greater the σlos is, the more differentiated the models are). However, the differences among dark energy models are not so large. From our results, the nearest clusters with large σlos are the idoneous ones to discriminate models. In fact, we think that from observations of caustics in nearby spherical clusters, it would be possible to make an estimation of Ωm0.
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