Geç tanı alan konjenital hipotiroidli bir çocukta L-tiroksin tedavisi sonrası saç dökülmesi Hair loss after treatment with L-thyroxine in a child with a delayed diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism

Giris: Biz burada L-tiroksin tedavisi baslandiktan sonra sac dokulmesi sikayeti olan bu olguyla L-tiroksin tedavisinin nadir gorulen yan etkisini sunmayi amacladik Olgu: Poliklinigimize 3 yil once konjenital hipotiroidizm tanisi alan 13 yasinda bir kiz hasta L-tiroksin tedavisi baslandiktan sonra difuz sac kaybi sikayeti nedeni ile basvurdu Tartisma: Biz bu olgu yoluyla konjenital hipotiroidi nedeni ile L-tiroksin replasman tedavisine baslandiktan sonra sac dokulmesinin izlenmesini belki de kil siklusunda yer alan hormon ve buyume faktorlerinin arasindaki dengenin bozulmasi sonucu olusan bir yan etki oldugunu dusunmekteyiz. ABSTRACT Introduction: In this case report, we aimed to emphasize the rare side effect of L-thyroxine by describing the case who had suffered hair loss after being treated with L-thyroxine. Case report: A 13-year old girl was admitted to our clinic with diffuse hair loss which was stated to start after treatment with L-thyroxine. She was diagnosed with congenital hypothyroidism at 10 years of age. Discussion: We suggest that hair loss following L-thyroxine replacement therapy for congenital hypothyroidism in this case was due to the side-effect of therapy, which probably caused  impairment in the balance between the effects of the hormones and growth factors in hair cycle.
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