Karyotype-phenotype correlation in partial trisomies of the short arm of chromosome 6: a family case report and review of the literature.

The first child (proband) of nonconsanguineous Caucasian parents underwent genetic investigation because she was affected with congenital choanal atresia, heart defects and kidney hyposplasia with mild transient renal insufficiency. The direct DNA sequencing after PCR of the CHD7 gene, which is thought to be responsible for approximately 60– 70% of the cases of CHARGE syndrome/association, found no mutations. The cytogenetic analysis (standard GTG banding karyotype) revealed the presence of extrachromosomal material on 10q. The chromosome analysis was completed with array CGH (30 kb resolution), MLPA and FISH, which allowed the identification of three 6p regions (6p.25.3p23 × 3): 2 of these regions are normally located on chromosome 6, and the third region is translocated to the long arm of chromosome 10. The same chromosomal rearrangement was subsequently found in the father, who was affected with
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