Kekurangan Akses kepada Jagaan Lanjutan dan Faktor-Faktor Risiko Yang Membawa Kepada Relaps Dadah dalam Kalangan Bekas Banduan

The lack of access to after care when released from imprinsonment causes the former prisoners who had drug addiction problems to face the risk of returning to drug abuse. Reversion to drug addiction usually occurs due to the feelings of withdrawal, the urge to retry, the absence of a desire to put a stop, which would eventually lead to committing crimes in order to finance the addiction problem. A study on the establishment of a post-release and aftercare based on community for former prisoners to help ensure a smooth transition once released was conducted in 2016. One of the objectives of the study is to gather information on the risk factors that led to former prisoner to repeat their previous criminal activities. In depth interviews were conducted with 16 former prisoners who had records of drug abuse. The initial analysis of the study showed the difficulty of changing the habits of drug abuse and stopping the influence of friends, who were also former prisoners, which will lead to continuity of using illegal substance once being released. This study seeks to provide realistic information in establishing a program for the rehabilitation and ongoing treatment for former prisoners. A critical understanding of the need to treat former inmates of drug abuse can lead to initiatives in fostering the social re-integration module and effective supervision program which can monitor and assist former prisoners to become law-abiding citizen.
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