Tutankhamun's Armies: Battle and Conquest During Ancient Egypt's Late Eighteenth Dynasty

Atlas. Acknowledgments. Note to the Reader. Chronology. 1 Land of Desert and Nile. 2 The Amarna Interlude. The Founding of the New Kingdom. Eighteenth-Dynasty Kingship. Amunhotep III: The King as Solar Disk. Akhenaten: The Solar Disk as King. Four Features of Atenism. Aket-aten: A New Capital. The "Amarna" Style of Art. Proscription of Other Deities. The Importance of Women at Amarna. Atenism: Re-creation of Creation. The Location of Akhet-aten: The Home of the Ogdoad. Akhenaten as Creator Deity. The Gods Have Not Yet Been Born. The Female Light Powers. Ankh(et)kheperure Neferneferuaten and Smenkhkare: The Ephemeral Kings. Tutankhamun: The Boy King. After Tutankhamun: Aye. Horemhab: The General. 3 Trampling the Nine Bows: Military Forces and Weaponry. Branches of the Egyptian Military. Weapons and Armor. Horses and Chariots. War Dogs. Clothing, Armor, and Defensive Weapons. Signaling Equipment. Fortifications, Camps, and Siege Technology. 4 Land of Gold: The Southern Empire. Egyptian Fortifications in Nubia. The Southern Border of the New Kingdom. The Viceroys of Nubia. Amarna Cities in Nubia. The Tutankhamun Stela from Kurkur Oasis. Nubian Wars of the Amarna Period. The Spoils of Battle: Durbars of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun. The Nubian Experience of Colonization. 5 Wretched Asiatics: The Northern Empire. Prelude to Amarna: Early Eighteenth-Dynasty Wars with Mitanni. The Egyptian Empire in Syria-Palestine. The Amarna Letters. "The Vile Dog of Amurru." The Fall of Sumur and the Great Syrian Campaign. The Realpolitik of Akhenaten. Akhenaten's Attack on Kadesh. The Asiatic War of Tutankhamun. The Affair of the Egyptian Queen. 6 Uniting the Two Lands: Domestic Security and the Army in Peacetime. Akhenaten's Domestic Policy. Police and Military Installations at Akhet-aten. The Western Frontier. Corps of Engineers. Naval and Port Security. Religious Functions of the Military. Epilogue. Notes. Further Reading. Index.
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