Evaluation of Elastic Rod Models with Long Range Interactions for Predicting Nucleosome Stability

Abstract The ability of a dinucleotide-step based elastic-rod model of DNA to predict nucleosome binding free energies is investigated using four available sets of elastic parameters. We compare the predicted free energies to experimental values derived from nucleosome reconstitution experiments for 84 DNA sequences. Elastic parameters (conformation and stiffnessess) obtained from MD simulations are shown to be the most reliable predictors, as compared to those obtained from analysis of base-pair step melting temperatures, or from analysis of x-ray structures. We have also studied the effect of varying the folded conformation of nucleosomal DNA by means of our Fourier filtering knock-out and knock-in procedure. This study confirmed the above ranking of elastic parameters, and helped to reveal problems inherent in models using only a local elastic energy function. Long-range interactions were added to the elastic-rod model in an effort to improve its predictive ability. For this purpose a Debye-Huckel ener...
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