World Summit for Social Development: year-end update.

This report is devoted to the follow-up activities of the 50th UN General Assembly pertaining to Copenhagens World Summit for Social Developments Program of Action which was adopted by the Conference on March 12 1995. Summaries are provided of the background history to the Summit the activities of the UN Commission for Social Development the Economic and Social Council meetings and General Assembly delegate discussion. The draft resolution on the implementation of the World Summit on Social Development generated lengthy discussions and was expected to be adopted by the General Assembly Plenary before adjournment in December 22 1995. Follow-up under the draft resolution is expected to include the joint actions within the UN system of the General Assembly the ECOSOC and the Commission for Social Development. The resolution includes an overall review and appraisal of UN progress in implementing Copenhagens Declaration and Program of Action which will occur in the year 2000. The draft resolution urges the Secretary-General the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to study the impact of structural adjustment programs on economic and social development. Nine other specific directives are listed in the draft resolution. Related activities for 1996 are identified as a special meeting of the Commission on Social Development which is scheduled for May 21-30 1996 in New York. The meeting will discuss the strategies for poverty alleviation meeting human needs and promotion of self-reliance and community-based initiatives. Norway has initiated a planning meeting of three developed and three developing country representatives on a future conference. The conference would work towards a common definition of basic social programs the implementation of the 20:20 concept and ways to monitor implementation. Denmark is planning international seminars on social development issues.
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