La desarticulación del callejero hispanorromano: cambios en la infraestructura viaria y de saneamiento entre los siglos II y VII d. C.

The transformation of the classical civitas into the city of Late Antiquity was a long-term process within which saw a profound change in the traditional street plan. A critical analysis of the available sources, especially those of archaeological interest, has allowed us to study the evolution of both the Hispano-Roman street plan and the sanitation infrastructure between the 2nd & 7th centuries AD. The need to examine this process on a scale that exceeds the purely local geographical setting has led us to carry out a study where we have analysed different phenomena: the partial or total occupation of a number of porticos and roads; the replacement of stone pavements with earth, which also made the level of the road surface higher, and the slow but progressive neglect of the sewerage system. In contrast to the traditional view, we believe that the abandonment of the Hispano-Roman street plan was a process in which the authorities played a key role.
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