2-(2′-Phosphoryloxyphenyl)-4(3H)-quinazolinone derivatives as fluorogenic precipitating substrates of phosphatases

Abstract Characterization of 2-(2′-phosphoryloxyphenyl)-4(3 H )-quinazolinone (PPQ) derivatives as fluorogenic precipitating substrates of phosphatases is reported in this work. Soluble and colorless PPQ derivatives can be specifically hydrolyzed by acid and alkaline phosphatases into insoluble products, 2-(2′-hydroxyphenyl)-4(3 H )-quinazolinone (HPQ) derivatives which appear as fluorescent precipitates in water. The fluorescence and precipitation of HPQ depend on the concentration of its neutral phenolic form and therefore are related to the aqueous pH and PPQ concentration converted. Since HPQ formed from corresponding PPQ hydrolysis by phosphatases instantly precipitates and simultaneously fluoresces with a high photostability and large Stokes shift in water, PPQ can serve as a novel class of substrate dyes for detecting any immobilized phosphatase activities in situ , especially for applications of sensitive fluorescence histochemistry and cytochemistry. This is demonstrated by the alkaline phosphatase-aided visualization of static concanavalin A (Con A) receptors. By a linkage-amplification technique involving biotinylated Con A, streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase conjugate, and a PPQ substrate, the Con A receptors on the membrane of fixed NIH 3T3 cell were specifically viewed as dense, contrasting, durable, and cytologically resolved fluorescent stains under a conventional fluorescent microscope.
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