Evolution of Distributed Energy Resource Grid Interconnection Standards for Integrating Emerging Storage Technologies

Grid interconnection standards facilitate safe and reliable grid integration of distributed energy resources (DERs). Evolution of a standard for DERs is expected to capture and accommodate widely different characteristics of DER and minimize unique grid integration challenges. This makes development of a uniform grid interconnection standard for all types of DERs a challenging and an ever-evolving consideration. This paper presents a detailed timeline of evolution, from the early 2000s to 2018, of DER interconnection standards and the research that informed their development. This is followed by a review of the research topics being considered in the grid integration of Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) which are expected to have the most significant growth amongst all DER types. These help in highlighting the need for a new standard to accommodate the unique characteristics of ESSs, and where the existing DER interconnection standard frameworks may be leveraged.
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