A method for controlling a power supply system multivalent

The present invention relates to a method for controlling a multi-valent energy supply system, wherein the multivalent energy supply system comprises at least two power generators that use at least two different sources of energy to provide energy in the form of heat and / or cold and / or electrical energy. The power supply system according energy generator comprises a control device for controlling the controlled variables of the power generator, and a control means for controlling the co-ordinated control equipment. The control means detects at least one energy supply requirement for each at least one form of energy to heat and / or cold and / or electrical energy and creates a division of the power generator into groups according to a specific characteristic of the power generator determines each energy generator for each form of energy that it provides, exactly one is assigned group. For each power generator, the control means determines setpoints to meet the at least one energy provisioning request in dependence of the classification of the power generator into groups, and outputs the target values ​​to the control equipment.
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