Formação de coordenadores pedagógicos em alimentação escolar: um relato de experiência In-service training for pedagogical coordinators in school nutrition: the report of an experience

Abstract This article describes the experience ofin-service training for pedagogical coordinatorsof the Brazilian School Nutrition Program(PNAE) developed by the Cooperation Center forStudent Food and Nutrition of the Federal Uni-versity of Bahia (CECANE-UFBA). Participantobservation and analysis of data documented infilms, group discussion summaries, procedural andfinal evaluations and field diaries are used. Theformative experiences were in 2011, in two mu-nicipalities in Bahia and Sergipe states, involving118 pedagogical coordinators from 79 municipal-ities in both states. It was revealed that the objec-tive of raising awareness and guiding pedagogicalcoordinators for mainstreaming the theme of foodand nutrition has been achieved. The educationalproposal w as e valuat ed by the c oordinat ors as “d y-namic, ” “productive” and “interactive,” promot-ing the exchange of experiences among partici-pants. Despite considering the theme relevant, thepedagogical coordinators do not have sufficienttraining about food and nutrition to back theirteaching practices. It is considered that their train-ing has some limitations on the impact in the field-work, as the knowledge acquired night be dissi-pated when the coordinators return to their work-place due to the lack of ongoing training.
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