Cystic fibrosis: a call for research papers

Discussions on respiratory diseases between physicians, patients, and policymakers often, and understandably, focus on non-communicable diseases—such as COPD and lung cancer—illnesses that have a large burden on communities in terms of incidence and mortality. However, rarer chronic diseases, such as cystic fi brosis, must not be overlooked as these patients and their caregivers have many unique challenges. Much progress has been made in recent years in the treatment, management, and understanding of cystic fi brosis; according to the latest estimates in the UK, around half of patients now survive into their fourth decade of life, and the outlook is even better for those born with the disease today. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine has previously highlighted in a special issue of the journal the latest advances and challenges in this patient group, and has published key research over the past 3 years with the aim to disseminate information that should help improve further patients’ lives, and it is to continue that commitment that I am excited to announce a new collaboration with the Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. The two journals will cohost a session at the 2016 European Cystic Fibrosis Society meeting in Basel, Switzerland, (June 8–11), in which selected authors, who have recently published in the journals, will present their research papers. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine is therefore looking for high-quality submissions in the area of cystic fi brosis that will have an eff ect on the management of patients. We particularly welcome clinical trials. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine off ers a fast-track publication process in which papers can be published online in as little as 20 days from submission. Please submit your paper through our online system mentioning this call for papers in your covering letter. If you are presenting your research at the meeting we can time publication to your presentation. The deadline for submissions is March 14, 2016. We look forward to reading your research that will help shape and improve patients’ lives.
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