Research Regarding the Morphological Characteristics of Calendula Officinalis Local

Marigolds have an important economic value which let to an increase production and cultivation being thus used in a wide range of fields. One of the basic elements regarding marigolds production is represented by anthodia with flowers and seeds determined by the blossom and the number of anthodium on the plant. The plant’s blossom is determined by the n   umber of lingulate flowers from the external side of the anthodium where seeds grow.   Calendula is a polymorphic species, forming during its evolution not only flowering, but also semi-flowering anthodia and simple flowers. In the experimental field of UASVM Timisoara we performed a series of research regarding the morphological features of six local population of marigold from the western part of the country. Flowers’ blooming proved to have a different evolution due to the influence manifested by the local population and also by the harvest results. This blooming phenomenon proved to highly influence the production elements. Blooming influence upon anthodia mass of seeds proved to be as similar as in case of anthodia with flowers. At the beginning of the harvest period, the anthodia mass of seeds proved to be maxim. According to the information collected during research, anthodia flowering fails to reestablish during harvest. The flowering process influences the number and the size of the seeds. Moreover, flowers blooming process may lead to the formation of homogenous seeds, not only in size, but also as regards their morphological aspect. The seeds from the flowering anthodia proved to be homogenous in comparison with other anthodia and had even better technological qualities.
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