Оценка надeжности стохастически неоднородной толстостенной трубы по критерию длительной прочности@@@Reliability Evaluation of Stochastically Heterogeneous Thick-walled Pipe by Long-term Strength Criterion

We have developed a method of probabilistic reliability evaluation of microheterogeneous thick-walled pipe, based on the already received solution of the stochastic creep boundary value problem. The rheological properties of the material were described using random function of one variable (radius $r$). Damage parameter $0< \omega(t) <1$ was introduced here to study the process of degradation of the material during creep stage. Also the power law of the rate of $\omega(t)$ change on the equivalent stress σe , determined by Sdobyrev criterion, is assigned. The reliability evaluation is made by the mean integral value of the equivalent stress. We have found a random time before destruction and its distribution function, which was approximated by lognormal law. The problem of the probability of failure-free operation was calculated for a thick-walled microheterogeneous pipe with the specified parameters. The obtained results allow to evaluate reliability of stochastically inhomogeneous axisymmetric structural elements if necessary statistical data are obtained from the experiment.
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