Low Omega-3 Fatty Acid Status Found in Wellness Screening Participants

OBJECTIVE96% of Americans nationally have a sub-optimal omega-3 status. The objective of this study was to determine the omega-3 index and its relationship to diet and dietary supplement use in by volunteers participating in the Healthyroads™ biometrics wellness screening administered at their work site by their employer. METHODS636 employees at 16 DSM worksites in the United States consented to have whole blood, finger stick fatty acid testing as part of their Healthyroads™ wellness biometrics screening, and a second omega-3 test was offered 3 months later. The research protocol was designed in accordance with the Principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the New England IRB (#20160533) before subjects underwent any study-related procedures. Basic demographics, a validated food frequency questionnaire, and a whole blood sample were collected at baseline and follow-up. Blood samples were shipped to OmegaQuant LLC for fatty acid analysis and questionnaires for data collation and anonymi...
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