Distraction osteogenesis for ridge augmentation: prevention and treatment of complications. thirty case reports.

: Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is the latest addition to the variety of alveolar ridge augmentation procedures used to increase the volume of bone prior to implant placement. Thirty DO procedures were performed in 30 patients using 17 intraosseous and 13 extraosseous devices to augment deficient alveolar ridges. Fifty-five implants placed in the distracted bone were followed for a period of 34 to 60 months after loading. Five implants failed, for a 90.9% success rate. Vertical augmentation ranged from 3.5 to 13.0 mm (average, 7.8 mm). At least one complication was encountered, requiring additional hard or soft tissue surgery, in each of the 30 reported cases. This paper reviews complications encountered in the DO-treated patients, suggesting solutions and measures to prevent these problems.
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